Where are you?

Where are you? why you are not replying?
I m worried because in today's paper I read that due to thunder a monkey has been severely injured. So if you are safe, SMS me immediately.

I saw you on ROAD today

I saw you on ROAD today.
you were looking SO fine, Ur face SO divine, your walk SO perfect. My HEART started singing a Sweet Song:

wife to husband

Wife- i will die.
Husband- i will also die.
Wife-Why do you want 2 die?
husband- bcoz I won't be able to digest this wonderful news.

Your network

Your network tariff has changed Call charges are now calculated according to brain size. The smaller the cheaper. Congrats You can make free calls!

Lost in a zoo

Lost in a zoo I saw many animals..
Ooh my god...! U too

Dream makes all things possible

Dream makes all things possible, Hope makes all things work, love makes all things beautiful, smile makes all the above so always BRUSH UR TEETH!

What is a difference

What is a difference between a Kiss, a Car and a Monkey?

A kiss is so dear, a car is too dear and a monkey is U dear.